Tag Archives: Web Design Company

Web Design Company

Latest Web Navigation Design Trends in 2016

Web Design Services has been evolved since last few years and so their navigation trends. There is a boom in number of websites these days. You search a keyword and it will show hundreds of websites related to it. Be it commercial websites, entertainment websites, informational websites and many more, their navigation trends to attract the visitors and to make it easy and user friendly have been continuously evolving. Here are some latest navigation trends of different websites. Some of these are already widely used, while others keep trending towards modern web design.

Commercial sites

Online shopping is a total in these days. Just a click on a particular item and it is delivered to your door. Shopping sites generally known as product based sites use “create a log in account” way to navigate it thoroughly or to use it properly.  These also include images as a navigating tool. Moreover, many flash images of hot contents or discount vouchers of the websites runs throughout the site. It usually attracts the visitor and currently is in trend.

Entertainment sites

A large proportion of web navigation undoubtedly goes to entertainment sites where a visitor is allowed to play their choices’ videos or listen to their favorite music. Although some of them also ask for a login account due to parental advisory but usually these can be navigated easily by clicking on the particular video or song or game. However, these are the basic and general ways to navigate into a site but as lately Youtube has categorized its videos according to the genre, is an example of latest navigation trend.

Moreover, a video contains another link for another page can also be seen these days. Its irritating though but these are a prominent factor in web navigation.

Infotainment sites

Similarly with news, educational, personal, and government websites, navigation basic trends remain the same. But color dominance can be seen among these sites. A particularly dominant color takes most of the navigating buttons just to get distinguished from other content buttons. For example – Lok sabha website presently shows video of current event continuously. Moreover, these websites also provides language toggle button to navigate easily in English or Hindi.

Social media

It is an era of social media Facebook, twitter, linkedin and many more websites continuously updating their navigation trends. Usually these sites come with a trend of “follow”. Started earlier this trend will stay for some time for sure.

Other updated trends:

Web Design Company has also made its way in the market. All the sites come with a natural font and title resizing. They fit horizontally and vertically automatically in order to remain accessible onto a larger and smaller screen which keep all the menus aligned and distinctive.

Sticky menu is a kind of a menu that sticks to the top or edge of the screen while scrolling. It is a standard tool for one-pagers. To show your position on a page, while using hierarchical menus, it creates a widget by combining with a scrollspy script.

These are the changing trends. To understand them and to keep updated you have to look over the website of your favorite Web Design Company, to check their navigation properties. Trends are to be changed but as far as website navigation trends are concerned some of them are going to stay. These websites also have feedback button. You can also be a part of changing the trend.

Website Design & Development

10 Signs You Should Invest In Your Business Website Design

Websites are highly important to increase the connectivity of a business organization with its prospective clients. In creating a powerful and impact business website design, there is a need for the designers to understand the company’s business in detail. With the increase in the need to expand business and let it go beyond horizons, the professionals are investing exclusively in the business website design. For this purpose, website design services are aimed at infusing innovative ideas to make every big organization to look distinctive.

1. With increasing amount of competition in the market, it is essential to stay ahead of the rivals in the business sector. And if the rival company has a website, there is an urgent need for the likewise company to invest in creating a dynamic website.

2. Reaching out to the global target audience is only possible through the website because it is optimized and promoted enough on being registered with World Wide Web platform. By having a website, the customers from all over the world will be able to contact.

3. The biggest advantage of having web design services is that the business becomes open to public round the clock. In this way, no deals will be left unattended and customers will access it as per their convenience.

4. It is a specialized platform that tends to build the brand image for a company. Websites are meant to impress the viewers with design and sense of presentation, which has to be essentially taken care of.

5. Known as the excellent way to inform the people about business and advertise the products or services, websites help a lot in growing the business. This mandates for investing in it extensively.

6. Attracting the right amount of customers is extremely important for a business to maintain its profitable flow. In this regard, websites happen to play a pivotal role and enable the customers to stay informed.

7. With the assistance of websites, the companies are able to reach new target markets. Having the existing ones might not suffice and this requires expanding the business. So, websites surely help.

8. Another sign that mandates for investing in the business website is that it tends to channelize the sales process. With customers reviewing products and paying the bills, there is no need to hire virtual sales person to roam around.

9. It is the website that happens to improvise the communication level between customers and companies. Well, the viewer tends to comment on the products and stay in touch with the product owner.

10. At times, there is a need to keep altering the design of the website to maintain the fresh look. This is one such aspect that demands for investments from time to time.

Websites are called as the business facet of every organization, which makes it possible for the companies to keep them updated with information and give a fresh appeal. So, investments are required at regular intervals to curate the design for a newer look through the Website Design Company services.

Web Design Company

How To Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rates

The aim and objective of every web design company need to be not just to attract a lot of traffic for the site, but the designing of the website should be done in such a manner that it is able to increase the conversion rate for the site as well. At the end of the day the reason a company puts out a website of itself is to improve its sales, and if the same is not happening, then the whole purpose of getting the website designed gets defeated. Thus, the objective of a good Web Design Sydney company, which has been hired for the job of designing the website of a company, should not only be to increase the traffic for the site, but they should also work towards increasing the conversion rate of the current traffic of the site.

Below are a few tips, which, when incorporated in the website design, can help in improving the conversion rate for the website.

Third Party Accreditation

All websites say good things about themselves. In fact, there will be no website which will list out its own shortcomings. The customers who visit these websites are aware of this fact and therefore, no matter how attractive one makes the website, or no matter how good a write up one places as the content of the website about the products of the company, the customers will think it all to be fake and not trust it. However, if the site includes accreditations from a third party, they make a huge impact on the minds of the consumers. These third party comments should be placed on the homepage of the site itself, and they should be clearly visible. Try and get distinguished accreditations, as they make a much better impact.

Ensure Price Competitiveness

Every Web Development Company is aware of the fact that price is one of the most important factors which affects the decision of the customers. Therefore, the website should guarantee price competitiveness. The prices that are reflected on your website should get updated on a regular basis, so that every time any of your competitors reduces the price of its products, you are able to make the necessary adjustment in your own prices and the same gets reflected on your website immediately. Thus, at all times, the price shown on your website should be lower than the price being offered by your competitors.

Improve Tempo Of The Website

People are very impatient in today’s times and do not like waiting for anything. Therefore, of the Web Design & Development Company should try to come up with a design for the websites of their clients in such a manner, that the tempo of those websites is very high and they do not take time to load. The entire process of skimming through the website, making the selection and then buying it should happen at a brisk pace. If the site takes time to load, then the chances are that the customers may decide to quit your website and buy the product from a competitive website which is more robust in operating.